Thursday, May 15, 2008

So you want to learn how to fly an RC heli?

A radio control heli requires a lot of time and patience, but it can be very fun and exciting to fly.

The newcomer will need to be prepared for the cost of the kit, as well as the cost to repair damage from the inevitable crashes.A radio control helicopter also require dedicated attention while flying and attentiveness to safety precautions.

There are many reasons to start flying remote control helicopters, even though they are often seen as the most challenging RC to learn. Some people enjoy the extra challenge that learning to build and fly an RC helicopter gives.

However, Remote control helicopters are a demanding hobby.

When learning how to fly for the first time, you need to have patience and time to get set up and to learn the RC heli skills you need. The helicopter absolutely must be set up properly before flight, otherwise there is no chance it will fly.

The instructions should be read until you gain a thorough understanding of where the parts fit together, and how they fit together, and after assembly you should have your new model checked over by an experienced RC helicopter pilot.

Loose screws can mean parts that fly off when you try to fly!

The controls on the radio are much like the controls in a full-sized helicopter, and as such, they are fairly complex. It can take many sessions to simply learn how to hover, the most basic skill the Remote control helicopter pilot will need, as the controls are very sensitive to small adjustments and require that everything be set 'just' right, and changed with every shift in the wind.

Another demanding aspect of remote control helicopters is the safety factor. It goes without saying that a non-electric helicopter must be flown outside to avoid the fumes.

Also, the blades can spin at a speed fast enough to cut through flesh and even bone, so you must be sure to fly in an area with lots of space and with all bystanders safely out of the way.

But much like driving a car or riding a bike, these skills will eventually become second nature. With dedication, patience, and practice, you can become a successful RC heli hobbyist.

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