Thursday, May 1, 2008

RC Park Flyers

Park flyers are the perfect introduction to rc airplanes. They are easy to fly and can be flown in small areas, like your backyard or the local park.

This is good because you can get some practice at home before you head out to the field with a regular electric or gas powered airplane.

Park flyer's and slow flyers are basically the same thing, only the park flyer is a little faster. Thanks to advancements in rc technology, we are able to have park flyers.

Usually they are 1 channel only, but you can get ones that are 3 channels and control elevator, rudder, and the motor.

Most park and slow flyers are ready to fly, but there are some that are almost ready to fly and require some building. Another great thing about park flyers is they can be flown indoors.

You still need a decent size room, like a gym, basement, or any other big room you can find.

Nikko CessnaIf terra firma isn't for you, Nikko's Cessna will get you flying high! This is one great remote control plane for the buck. Check out the Nikko Cessna and its impressive list of features.

For Advanced Pilot's

Megatech Freedom FlyerThe ready-to-fly (RTF) electric Megatech Freedom Flyer simply has all the right stuff required for a fantastic beginner to intermediate electric radio control airplane.

If you are a beginner, I do hope you go with park flyers or slow flyers, then progress to a more complicated aircraft.


Before I finish, I should tell you a few tips about park flyers. First, since park flyers are so light and small, there has to be very little or no wind. If there is any wind, it will be swept away immediately. If an unfortunate event should happen to your park flyer, you should know they are not indestructible during flight. So be sure to keep it away from trees and other objects that might damage it.

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