Thursday, May 1, 2008

Electric RC Airplanes

The power of RC electric flight is amazing, not to mention much easier to own and operate :) With glow engines there is the problem of maintaining them and making sure they are up to snuff.

Over my years as an RC pilot, I have found that beginners and advanced pilots both seem to like electric RC airplanes, so it is a great idea to buy one as your first airplane.

Simple electric RC airplanes, like the Sky Vector shown below, are great because they are very easy to fly, and you really only have too master two controls. One control being the speed and the other being the direction you want to move in.

Megatech Sky Vector Easy Flyer 2 Ch RTF Airplane

One of the best things about airplanes like the Sky Vector though, is the fact that they can be ready to fly within 15 minutes of opening the box! Basically, it is a no hassle approach to flying RC airplanes, which is what most beginners like and need.

Electric RC trainer airplanes are also available for people who want to actually train with electric airplanes, because that is all they intend to fly.

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